Joe Wildman, activist & union rep, dies at 65 (obituary) • The Mendocino Voice

Friends Remember Joe Louis Wildman (April 17, 2021 event)
At the end is a short audio (6.5 mins) and Joe speaks on it:
(Listen to the audio via the link embedded in the article, it has more in it than the written article, and it is really something.)

2017 article about Democrats Voting in Mendocino Voice

Joe Louis Wildman, who is the director of Region 1-West of the California Democratic Party, appeared to have three or four pairs of hands as he directed new arrivals to the sign-up sheets, answered questions, and ushered those who had already voted to the proper ballot boxes. One of Wildman’s triumphs of voter enfranchisement took place at Bill Graham’s memorial concert, in 1991. At that event, he recalled during a brief lull, “I worked the PortaPotties and registered over 300 people” to vote.

Paragraph from article in The Mendocino Voice