I’ll start. Joe and I called each other best friends and knew each other since high school. I am only now seeing how much he was loved and appreciated. This is not surprising, because Joe was one of the best people ever to grace the planet, in my humble opinion. Joe’s demise was not a complete surprise because we knew he had health issues. I wished for more time with this best person. But the times we had were grand. We are all richer for having known Joh Hoffman (as he was known in younger days), aka Joe Louis Wildman. With love and gratitude, Jan Carpenter Tucker

Please share your stories, memories and reflections on Joe and his life in the comments. Or if you want your offering to appear as an individual post, send your original materials or links to celebrate@joelouiswildman.com.

2 Responses

  1. I hope you will share your fondest memories of Joe. What a remarkable beam of light he was!